Saturday, December 29, 2007

year end

Well its seems like 2007 will be a record year for me, the start of my downline and the most customers I have had as a Waktins associate. My goals for 2008 will be to move up the ranks in the business signifcantly and to help alot more people launch their own home business. I will also launch my own website and try to move up the search engine ranks.
Thanks for reading, tom

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Post christmas

Well how was your christmas? My ad in the whislter news magazine comes out today and I could use some new customers. Will keep you posted on that. Anybody making a new years resolution to to start their own business? Let me know and I will give you all the advice I can.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

shopping done?

Hope everyone has there shopping done because I don't and the malls look like chaos. Did anyone do any online shopping for gifts this years? Seems like from my company newsletters that Watkins is having one of its best years yet. I hope you will consider becoming an associate in the new year or at least a wholesale shopper. This will probably be my last entry till after christmas.
Best wishes to all my readers, tom

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Well seems like my briefcase stickers are getting me more business than anything else! Just minutes after opening my case in the mall someone walked up and asked for a catalogue because they just moved to vancouver and didn't have a watkins dealer, nice!
Update on the Whislter ad, seems they will run it on the 27th of this month, not a good day as one its after christmas and two, who has money left?

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Seems like the whistler paper forgot to post my ad , that kinda kills the response numbers! hopefully its in the next issue.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

commments needed

Hi people hope your shopping is done. What I need for christmas is some feedback about my blog and my website, good or bad it all helps. I could use some comments on your experience with Watkins products as well. Merry christmas, tom

Monday, December 17, 2007

ad results

Well no results yet from the whistler newspaper ad and the two leads in the mall have yet to pan out, but its still early I guess. Trying to come up with a new website name to make for easier sign printing ,will let you know when I do decide. merry christmas!

Friday, December 14, 2007


Hey there just had a record week as far as inquiries and sales. I had two people ask for a catalogue in less than ten minutes simply because I had a Watkins sticker on my briefcase.
Sometimes the simplest form of marketing is the best. Have an ad coming out in a whislter newspapaer, we shall see how it goes.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Still Time!

If you are thinking out trying my products out I belive there is still time before christmas as they are shipped within five business days by courier. Hope you have prosperous week in all ways, tom

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

wow google adwords!

Man just got a second order in less than 41 hits total, got to be record for me. Anyone out there have similiar or better results let me know. Hope everyones sales are up! tom

Monday, December 10, 2007

google adwords

Hey there activated the google adwords campaign a few days back and already have a customer and a potetntial one with just under 30 hits. If you have the money it works although you have to be patient sometimes it took more than a 100 for me before someone bought something.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Watkins was a big hit at the toronto film fest recently. Seems some of the gift bags celebs received were filled with watkins apothecary goods. Mena suvari in particular loved the lavender seh was given. Celebrity endorsement, nothing like it!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Blog for business

Just wanted to mention that a blog is a must for helping your online presence as far as networkmarketing is concerned. Ifi can do it believe me anyone can. Question has anyone had any success posting their own signs in their town in terms of boosting business for their network marketing company? let me know

Monday, December 3, 2007


Just got back from whistler what a great town , expensive but what a place to sell high ends goods. An accident turned a three hour trip into eight. have great week and make lots of sales will ya, tom